
Wildlife facts, photos, and film clips of cheetahs, lemurs, seals, sea lions, owls, vultures, ducks, frogs, snakes, tortoises, giraffes, squirrels, otters, and other wild animals.

I wanted to share some of the information I gathered during production from my research and interviews with the animal experts/keepers of Coyote Point Museum, Safari West, Lindsay Wildlife Museum, and The Marine Mammal Center. The clips are raw footage from my feature documentary, ANIMAL CRACKERS.

The clips on this page require the QuickTime player which can be downloaded for free from the Apple website.

Sea lions are extremely vocal and athletic. Some confuse seals and sea lions but when you see a good climber with little ear flaps, you are most likely looking at a sea lion.


Elephant seals are known for the distinctive nose that the males develop as they mature. Although the female elephant seals are large, they are nothing compared to their male conterparts that rival a yuppie's SUV in size. The deep bellowing roar the males make sounds like a cross between gurgling and burping.


River otters love to swim and slide from the shore into a body of water. Although they look fairly harmless, their teeth are sharp enough to tear through a pair of boots.

Watch some short videos about these animals and more in our Screening Room!

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c.2006 KEA Productions